Git for Windows as a perfect installer

I just have installed git under Windows and what I want to say: this was probably the most perfect program installer I’ve ever seen.

Usually I have to check if the program didn’t check unnecessary checkboxes and whether it doesn’t try to install some additional crapware. In best cases you just click through without modifying checkboxes.

In case of git I even had to decrease the ‘safety level’ of some options. I just see that this was made with love to users and that creators really thought what people need from their program and how they’re going to use it.

With love to git.

‘Unstage’ a file in git

I usually use a mix of command line and IDE GUI to run git commands. And today while trying to click Git Commit I accidentally clicked Git Add  for the whole folder including my IDE .idea sub-folder which I don’t need in my repository.

So I had to ‘unstage’ the content of the .idea sub-folder.

The operation is opposite to git add  and is called git reset. The parameter is the file (or directory) which has to be ‘unstaged’.

git reset <file>

In my case it was:

git reset .idea

Helpful links